Epson1430 All Black Refillable Set, INK Carts
Epson 1430 and 1400 All Black Refillable Set, INK Carts
1 set of 6 each, no ink
Refillable inkjet carts (6 slots) with (2) 127 ml bottles of Freehand's exclusive Dmax dye ink included. AccuRIP and/or Sep Studio 4 software control the ability to print from all slots within the All Black Ink feature license.
Epson 1430/1400
Refillable Ink Solution by Freehand
Driven by AccuRIP and/or Sep Studio 4 Software
Set includes (1) bottle 127ml Dmax™ black dye - nearly two complete fills of the best dye for high-density film printing! It also contains six slot specific cartridges plus a blunt needle syringe. No resetter needed - wow!
Freehand continues to provide a quality cartridge solution for professional film printing for these models discontinued by Epson. Freehand's original All Black Ink™ Feature activation required. Configure to all slots during Wizard setup/Configuration.
Printer not included.
UV Blocking inks for screen film positives